Por 15 is one of the best rust protective coats on the market right now. It is considered as the best rust-curing coating in the presence of moisture. Because of its curing excellency, it has become a popular item among paint lovers. Though it is common, even some people ask can you paint over Por 15? It is made for painting. So, you can paint over it.
Though it is a common product with excellent rust-curing characteristics, even some people are asking about it means most people don’t have a complete idea about Por 15.
So, we have thought of writing an overview of Por 15 rust preventive permanent coating. It makes your painting job easy. If you want to know more about it, the next part of this article is for you.
Table of Contents
Can I Use A Top-Coat on Top of Por 15?
Before the answer, we want to say a little bit about Por-15. It is an excellent product. It works really well, especially for restoration. It is sunlight sensitive. UV rays are not suitable for it. So, you must top-coat the surface to prevent sunlight and UV rays.

If UV hits Por 15, it will break down. Then it won’t work well. However, a top coat can protect it from UV rays. So, you should use a top coat on top of Por 15. Otherwise, there is nothing wrong with the Por 15. We have seen many restoration shops that use Por 15 and then paint on it.
Finally, the verdict is that you can paint over Por 15. Besides Por 15, some ideas about single-stage paint and clear coat may help you a lot in your project.
How Good is Por 15?
Por 15 is an excellent product; we have already said it. The product itself is advantageous. It works great. You don’t need to trust us. You can go to a paint shop and ask them about it. They will agree with us. We love it. We have seen Por 15 in a couple of restoration projects. It accepts all paint formulas, even the lacquer-based formula also. You can prepare your surface with Por 15 primer before painting it. The combination of Por 15 primer and Por 15 coat is excellent.

Some say it is expensive. Yes, it is expensive, but it is worth it. It is worth enough to protect your investment from rust. You have to paint it once, and it will ensure that your car won’t rust again. We can spend some more to get such a level of surety and guarantee from a coat.
Can You Use Por 15 Directly Over Rust?
You can use Por 15 over rust when you ensure less rust level. It is a coating product that works perfectly over a smooth surface. That means you must sand and smooth the surface before applying Por 15. Then, if there is a low amount of rush or negligible rush, you are good to go. Otherwise, it won’t stick itself to the surface.
Por 15 formula works well with seasoned and sandblasted metal. You may see in the advertisement it works well over rust. Make it clear that it won’t work on heavy rust. It will heal in a non-porous, crack, chip, and peel-resistant finish.
Is It Better to Spray Por 15?
It is good to use Por 15 with a brush. You can spray it too. Many restoration shops do spray Por 15. Paints with varnish will be accepted in POR-15. Since you know it is good to spray, you should also know how to spray Por 15.
First, confirm a successful spray session is to dilute the formula. Therefore, make sure that you get the appropriate slimming when you do your shopping. In this task, you must get an excellent respirator to keep you from breathing paint.

Please don’t use an instant spray gun to spray it. It is better to buy a cheap spray to save the extra cost. Also, you have to work very slowly while spraying because this formula is impossible to clean off.
Alternatively, you can use Por 15 Rust Preventive Coating after the surface. Please don’t shake the can. Instead, use a pouring spout and spread one portion over another container. Then, seal the groove and lid at once while keeping them clean.
Can Por-15 Be Top Coated?
Por 15 must be top coated. You don’t need to ask to top-coat it. In the beginning, we said Por 15 is UV sensitive. That means it will continuously break if it is exposed to the sun. It is an expensive product, and everyone wants such an expensive level of performance from it. Nobody wants to break it for the lack of a simple top-coat. That means you can top-coat Por 15, and you have to do it.
Por 15 protects the surface from the rush, and the top-coat protects it from UV rays. To provide optimal protection, there is no substitute for a top coat. However, you have to follow some rules while top coating it.
Stir before and during the use of Por-15. Don’t shake the coat you purchase. You can’t paint directly from the cans. You must pour the formula very fast and seal the can immediately so it won’t dry out.
Before applying Por 15, you must primer the surface, right? Priming is one of the most important tasks to make the surface suitable for painting. Then you should know about painting over epoxy primer.
How Long Por 15 takes to Dry?
It takes about 3 to 6 hours to dry. The drying time depends on the ambient humidity. More moisture on the surface ensures a faster drying time.
Is Por 15 harmful to my hands?
No, it is not harmful to the hands. However, you should delete them as soon as you get your hands on them. Because once it dries, you cannot remove it quickly.
What is the best top coat for Por 15?
Por 15 has its own Por 15 top coat that works excellently for Por 15. They are the best combination when you apply both on a metal surface.
Final Verdict
Por 15 is undoubtedly a great product. Just don’t let it expose to sunlight. You can paint over Por 15 and also top-coat it. Also, it comes with a versatile formula compatible with every type of paint. This increases the paint adhesion, and the coat stays intact for an extended period of time.
We think we can answer “Can you paint over Por 15?” the answer and a full explanation are in front of you. There are some recommendations here. If you follow them, you will get the best result from Por 15.
For more than 15 years, I’ve been immersed in the world of painting, and I’ve created this website to share my passion and knowledge with fellow art enthusiasts. My artistic journey has led me through various mediums, techniques, and styles, always pushing the boundaries of expression. I invite you to explore the captivating realm of art with me – a journey of creativity, self-expression, and the endless possibilities that painting offers.
Feel free to reach out to me via email at leanna.ange@gmail.com. Whether you have questions, want to share your own artistic experiences, or simply connect, I’m here to engage in the wonderful dialogue that art inspires. Looking forward to hearing from you!